Psalm of Rage for Preventable Suffering

For hells on earth
while the Dow Jones and sea rises.

For people who ride out storms
cause they can’t afford the gas & food to leave
who are interviewed by Lester Holt
about whether they feel ashamed.

For when it feels like we’re not enough.
For children and young people slaughtered.

For those from whom they’re stolen.
For people in cages.

For dying in the hospital because you’re poor.
For being poor because you went to the hospital.

For countries that call in live ammunition to preserve dead statues.
For 3000 empty shoes sitting on a green in Puerto Rico.

And for times when the places and people
where we fall in love with dreams to change it all
leave us more broken than when we started.
For all of it.

Lord, in your mercy:
Fuck this shit.

Hold what when we cannot.
Hear our prayer.

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