Christmas Day, 2021

Wet concrete on a New Jersey sidewalk

Townhouses just alike, line the gray street.

Couples out walking wave to each other, or not.

In every city I have lived in since 2012

Christmas has been warmer then usual. 

This year, no different, as I tie my jacket 

around my growing waist. 

I know that somewhere, a puffin species

has taken its last breath. And elsewhere

a family returns to the rubble where the 

twister took everything last week. 

O come let us Adore him, my mom’s 

CD player croons, while she bakes her mother’s

sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top, 

nervous she won’t get it just right. 

What is the worth of merriment 

on a dying planet? I try not to ask myself

as afternoon sun teases my rosy cheeks. 

As I turn the corner, almost home, one yard

is graced with blow-up plastic snowmen

falling on their sides. Deflated greetings

Are sometimes the best we can make. 

Still we choose this day, to rest from fear.

To not deny what is coming, and the pain

that is already here. But to fuel up. 

To admire the beauty of a hawk circling 

above the suburban drag, to see hovering 

as love today, and not, as threat. 

To let our hearts be human, tender. Near. 

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